
WordPress vs Webflow: Which is Better for Building Websites?

WordPress and Webflow are two of the most popular website building platforms available today. Both have their own sets of features, benefits, and downsides. Deciding which one is better for your next website project can be tricky.

In this comprehensive guide, we will compare WordPress vs Webflow to help you determine the best platform for your specific needs and requirements.

A Quick Overview of WordPress and Webflow

WordPress is the world’s most popular website building platform powering over 41% of all sites on the internet. It is an open-source CMS (content management system) that started off as just a blogging platform back in 2003.

Over the years, WordPress has evolved into a flexible website builder capable of powering blogs, ecommerce stores, membership sites, magazines and more.

The platform is backed by thousands of plugins, themes, developers and a strong community support. All this makes WordPress extremely customizable to match diverse business needs.

Webflow, on the other hand, is a much younger website builder introduced in 2013. It allows users to build responsive websites using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and premade templates.

Unlike WordPress, Webflow does not have a public plugin or theme marketplace. The platform is designed to provide a cleaner design experience with better front-end page building capabilities

Now that we know what the two leading platforms are all about at a high-level, let’s compare them across some key website-building factors:

Factor WordPress Webflow
Market Share 43.2% (W3Techs) Smaller overall share
Built-in Features Extensive tools for content, users, media, menus etc. Core web building capabilities only
Design Capabilities Drag-and-drop page builders available. Need customization. Intuitive visual editor. 200+ templates.
Customization Open ecosystem allows endless customizations via plugins/code. Limited compared to WordPress.
Learning Resources Enormous community support through forums, tutorials, courses etc. Small but growing user community.
SEO Capabilities Great out-of-the-box best practices and further optimization possible. Needs some manual optimization. Improving with new features.
Security Vulnerable to common exploits and hacks. Needs reinforcement. Server-side protections prevent code injection risks.
Hosting & Pricing Flexible self-hosted plans starting $2.75/month. Managed WP plans around $5+/month. Starts $12/month upto $36/month for businesses. Enterprise $1000+/month.
Learning Curve Steeper for beginners Very easy for beginners
Site Building Methods Multiple (page builder, code, etc) Drag and drop editor
Visual Editing Capability Plugins available for visual editing Built-in advanced visual editor
Technical Skill Required Some coding skills helpful No coding skills required

The table summarizes the comparison across key criteria discussed earlier. As you can see, both platforms have their relative pros and cons.

For market share statistics, as per W3Techs, WordPress leads website builder usage by a huge margin – powering 43.2% of all sites. The actual number of sites can be seen on WordPress’s official site claiming over 75 million sites now.

Webflow does not disclose their user numbers or websites created on their platform. Their pricing page simply claims “millions of creators”.

To conclude, if customization, scalability and total cost of ownership are your main priorities – WordPress offers more flexibility. For easiest all-in-one website building experience – Webflow is ahead.

You can take advantage of WordPress Development Services to build a highly customized website matching your specific business needs while benefiting from community support resources.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, Webflow scores better than WordPress especially for non-techies.

The drag-and-drop page builder and intuitive visual interface make Webflow very easy to use. You don’t need to know any coding to build professional websites on Webflow. It’s a completely visual platform.

WordPress, however, has a learning curve for beginners who’re building their first website. There are multiple ways to build WordPress sites – using page builders, themes or just the native editor.

Factor WordPress Webflow
Learning Curve Steeper for beginners Very easy for beginners
Site Building Methods Multiple (page builder, code, etc) Drag and drop editor
Visual Editing Capability Plugins available for visual editing Built-in advanced visual editor
Technical Skill Required Some coding skills helpful No coding skills required

You’ll need to manually install plugins, tweak settings, adjust themes for the desired design and functionality. This involves some technical effort.

So if you don’t have any prior website building experience and want the easiest option – Webflow is better.

Professionals like agencies and developers may still prefer WordPress for the flexibility it provides. But Webflow can be easier for novice users.

Built-in Tools and Features

When evaluating the built-in tools and features, WordPress offers more out of the box.

For example, with WordPress you get everything you need for managing content, users, comments, menus, sidebars and more. The native features cover website management tasks quite extensively.

Factor WordPress Webflow
Media Management Yes No
User Management Yes No
Forms & Surveys Yes Requires App Integration
Site Analytics Yes Requires App Integration

Webflow gives you just the core web building functionality. For advanced features, you need to use app integrations.

A few examples:

  • The WordPress media library lets you manage all images and videos in one place. Webflow doesn’t have this.
  • WordPress lets you create user accounts with custom roles and permissions. There’s no native user management in Webflow.
  • You have fine-grained control over content display, order, hierarchy and menus in WordPress. Webflow’s content capabilities are still evolving.

So WordPress edges past Webflow for the depth of built-in features for managing and customizing your website.

However, Webflow provides better front-end design tools for crafting high-end websites without code. But WordPress is more flexible for content creators and publishers.

Design Capabilities

For non-designers, Webflow offers better design capabilities through its intuitive drag-and-drop page builder and professionally designed templates.

You don’t need to learn HTML/CSS or struggle with coding to create beautiful websites on Webflow. It gives more direct visual control over styling your site through a rich editor.

WordPress offers similar drag-and-drop site builders like Elementor. But overall, Webflow has a more polished UX that allows easy visual layouts with advanced interactions, hover animations, transitions and effects.

Webflow has a library of over 200 designer templates across different niches like business, ecommerce, portfolio, events, blogs, magazines and more. The templates look visually stunning on desktop and mobile.

On WordPress, you can get beautifully designed themes too for different site types. But Webflow templates integrate better with its page builder allowing flexible customization options.

For designers and developers, both platforms provide custom code editing options in different capacities. But for beginners, Webflow is easier for building professional-grade websites visually with no coding required.

Customization & Scalability

When it comes to customization and scalability, WordPress is much more flexible and extensible.

The open-source nature and plugin architecture allow practically endless customization of WordPress sites beyond design.

Developers can tap into hundreds of APIs and build custom functionality, integrations, import/export tools, data reporting and more.

For scaling up resource usage, handling traffic spikes, improving performance – WordPress offers enormous flexibility through its mature hosting ecosystem. There’s seamless integration with hosting infrastructure like Varnish, Redis, Memcached, Cloudflare and so on.

Webflow also provides collaboration tools for designers, enables code customization and offers integrations with 3rd-party platforms. But the scope is relatively limited compared to WordPress.

If you anticipate a rapidly growing online presence and want maximum control over expanding your website functionality over time – WordPress is a better long term platform.

Learning Resources

When considering learning resources and community support, WordPress comes out well ahead of Webflow once again.

As an open source project, WordPress enjoys enormous community support through forums, blogs, YouTube channels, Reddit subreddits and more. There is extensive documentation covering everything about using and extending WordPress.

Many colleges and universities also provide WordPress training programs. It has become an essential website building skill.

Webflow still has a relatively small but growing user community. Being a proprietary SaaS platform also limits the open ecosystem for public knowledge sharing seen in WordPress.

So beginners may find it easier to source information for learning WordPress which has more tutorials, guides, tips available for free online.

Professionals can access expert WordPress talent from a large talent pool during development and maintenance stages of their website.

SEO Capabilities

When it comes to SEO, WordPress offers slightly better built-in optimizations.

It generates semantic code compliant with web standards by default. The content architecture also supports excellent search indexing with titles, metadata, ALT tags and so on.

There’s also seamless integration with leading SEO tools like Yoast which adds more advanced XML sitemaps, optimized tags and gives actionable optimization feedback.

Webflow sites can also be made SEO friendly but may require manual optimizations with code edits. It has less out-of-the-box best practices for on-page SEO.

Recently Webflow has added better SEO functionality like customizable meta tags and auto-generated sitemaps. The SEMrush integration also helps with audits and optimization.

So WordPress gives you a small natural advantage for search engine visibility. But Webflow sites can also be optimized for SEO without much technical overhead.


When comparing WordPress vs Webflow security, Webflow wins hands down.

As an open source platform, WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. This makes it an obvious target for hacks, vulnerabilities and exploits.

Keeping plugins updated and reinforcing sites with security layers is essential for safeguarding WordPress sites.

Webflow, on the other hand, provides server-side security protections so users cannot inject malicious code. All Webflow accounts and sites are hosted securely on Webflow’s own servers.

This makes Webflow effectively immune to common WordPress security threats like direct malware injection, unauthorized access to admin panels, plugin exploits etc.

So Webflow certainly beats WordPress when it comes to out-of-the-box security.

Pricing & Hosting

When comparing WordPress vs Webflow pricing, WordPress offers more hosting flexibility and choice.

Self-hosting WordPress websites gives you the freedom to choose from many affordably priced hosting providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator and more based on your budget and requirements.

Package Starting WordPress Cost Starting Webflow Cost
Basic Plan $5 per month $12 per month
Business Plan $25 per month $36 per month

Shared hosting plans start from around $2.75/month whereas managed WordPress hosting costs upwards of $5/month with advanced hosting packages going up to $25+/month.

Webflow hosting costs significantly more starting at $12/month for starter plans to $36/month for business and advanced plans. Enterprise pricing is custom and starts around $1000+/month.

There are limited options for third-party Webflow hosting since sites are tightly coupled with its proprietary back-end. This means lack of freedom over your hosting costs.

So WordPress definitely gives more affordable website hosting options allowing you to easily switch plans and providers anytime.

But Webflow’s pricing may be worth it if you don’t want the hassle of managing servers, updates, security patches and just want to focus on building websites.

Key Takeaways: Choosing the Best CMS For You

We’ve covered a lot of ground comparing WordPress and Webflow capabilities. Let’s recap key factors to help determine which platform meets your website needs:

  • Customization power: WordPress
  • Ease of use for beginners: Webflow
  • Advanced features breadth: Tie
  • Scalability and Performance: WordPress
  • Learning curve: Webflow
  • Security: Webflow
In summary:
  • WordPress offers superior customizability for complex sites and functionality demands. The plugin ecosystem enables experienced WordPress developers to accomplish virtually any implementation goal.
  • Webflow simplifies creating modern designs through its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Perfect for smaller sites less dependent on advanced custom code.
  • Both platforms integrate robust content management for dynamic updating of blogs, products and site pages.

Consider the factors above in light of your website goals, team skills and size to determine if WordPress flexibility or Webflow simplicity is the way to go. Many factors come down to individual site needs – there’s no universally “perfect” CMS platform.

Hopefully these WordPress vs Webflow comparisons have helped provide clarity and confidence in evaluating both CMS options for your upcoming web project!

If you need help with setup, development or migrations for either CMS platform, our expert WordPress development services team is here to assist.

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